Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bossy Shoulda Got Her Hair Done Here

The older sisters organized a fun party for Elle's 6th -- they set up a salon on the back porch (notice the "waiting room" of chairs off to the right), and the construction paper purses they're holding - full of construction paper money to pay for a day at the salon!! [would Antonio take construction paper money?!!],There was a choose-your-own-nail-color bar, hosted by Faith (11.5)

and an upscale hair-do-ery staffed by Pouran (9) and her friends, Ginya, Kyra and Mia
complete with plenty o' chatty gossip with each style. Bossy, at least they wouldn't have done anything irreversible.

Oh, and the oldest sister? Leyla (16) kept the boys off the back porch with a distracting game of Mouse Trap

And when all the "customers" were satisfied... a styling chain!
Later on, even some of the parents tried a new "do"!


BOSSY said...

Totally. Cute. And you're right-- minimal side effects.

Ok, Where Was I? said...

These pics are so cute. What a good girlie party. And I was so laughing at the references to Bossy's experience.

Anonymous said...

what a fantastic idea for a girl's birthday party (love the umbrellas). My niece loves the hair and nails stuff. Might have to pass the idea along for her next birthday.